PanoVolo version 1.7.4 has been released with the following bug fixes and improvements:
- Added the ability to process and save panoramas with the command line interface. When CLI is used, PanoVolo UI will not be shown. See the CLI reference below.
- Added the ability to resize the image strip on Review and 3D Map pages.
- Added new release notification to the macOS version. New release notification was already available on Windows.
- Implemented “straighten horizon” correction for panoramas stitched without drone metadata.
- Directories containing source panorama images can be drag-and-dropped onto the main PanoVolo window to start stitching.
- Added the ability to switch between DNG/JPEG image preference directly in the Select images dialog.
- Minor cosmetic changes to the UI.
- Fixed a rare bug when PanoVolo crashed on Windows while reading available RAM size.
Current command line interface for PanoVolo is as follows:
Usage: PanoVolo [options] source [destination]
-f, --force Overwrite existing panorama.
-j, --jpg Prefer JPEG source files.
-p, --projection <projection> Panorama projection: "spherical",
"cylindrical", "mercator", "rectilinear",
"stereogrpahic","v_spherical", "v_cylindrical",
"v_mercator" (default is "spherical").
-c, --crop Autocrop panorama.
-h, --horizon Straighten horizon.
-s, --sky Fill the sky.
--help Displays help on command line options.
-v, --version Displays version information.
source Source directory that contains panorama
[destination] Destination directory where panorama will be
saved, otherwise panorama will be saved in the
source's directory parent.
PanoVolo 1.7.4 is available as a free upgrade for Windows and macOS users and installers can be freely downloaded.